Monday, May 18, 2009

Wild Strawberries

My mother in law came and found wild strawberries all over our yard. They are so cute.
This is a nice development because a) i was going to plant regular strawberries b/c Mister Siren loves them, and they were going to take a lot of work. One strawberry plant produces about a quart of strawberries, which means I was going to have to plant an entire row of them. And you have to put them on mounds. Booooo. and b) it's always nice to find a surprise in your own backyard. The only problem with this situation is this little guy:
What do you think he likes the best? What is he eating every day? He is very active. I may need to start leaving a plate of carrots and stuff out for him. Hmmm.

Well, let me give you an update on other things in the garden. Here's the zucchini:

These plants are growing like crazy. Last time I posted there were the two small leaves and a third leaf. Now, in less than four days, appeared a fourth leaf. Where do they come from?! Truly amazing to me. The one thing you can count on in this garden is that the plants are dirty. That is from the rain kicking up so much dirt all the time.

There are about fourteen flowers on the Early Girl tomato plant these days

Probably more by now since this photo was taken on Saturday. We put a cage over the plant since it was lopping over:

The dill is looking quite dill-y and the cilantro from seed is coming up nicely:

Our jalapeno pepper plant is even starting to show signs of bearing fruit! See the little white bud? I think that will develop into a pepper

Wanna see some dirty bean plants?

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